An Introduction

An Introduction

Not long ago, I commented that MCA committee members are passionate about the areas that they commit their time to. I need to amend that statement. MCA committee members are passionate about not only their areas, but about the entire ministry that our churches do together. This point was brought home at our recent All Committee meeting. I entered the meeting with a bit of trepidation, because we were getting deeper into COVID-19 restrictions and I’d asked committees to anticipate what adjustments we might need to make as we watch our budget and donations over the coming months. Instead of focusing on concerns, unknowns, and cancellations, our discussion was largely about how we can better share the excitement of what is still happening and the vision and dreams that continue even within current restrictions.

In the coming weeks, you’ll be hearing from our committees in this new “Y”MCA column. You’ll be hearing stories and reflections about how people in and outside of our congregations (including us!) have been impacted through MCA ministry and activities.