Mennonite Church Alberta
We are a fellowship of 11 congregations from across Alberta, representing various cultural groups united by our faith in Jesus Christ.
Together we are part of a larger Mennonite family that extends across Canada and around the world! We share a love for Christ and his kingdom, working together to build up the church and follow Jesus in all aspects of our lives.
We invite you to come and experience worship, community, and service in our churches and various ministries!
Community is what MCA is about!
In community, our congregations build a foundation for their identity and find a place of belonging. We draw on each other’s strengths and gifts to explore faith, pray, celebrate and mourn, become enlivened, practice generosity, and share resources. Community is a place to receive and to give. It’s a place to ask the question, “And who is my neighbour?” and then explore the nature and breadth of our neighbourhoods. The richness and fellowship that we experience as members of a regional, nationwide, and global church is a taste of the Kingdom of God.
Our Vision
Our vision is to be a community of Anabaptist-Mennonite congregations worshipping the one holy and loving God. Joined together in Jesus Christ, we are guided by the Holy Spirit and scripture as we seek to grow as communities of grace, joy and peace. Together we seek to embody Jesus Christ in the world.
Mennonite Church Canada is a covenanted partnership among:
MC Eastern Canada MC Manitoba MC Saskatchewan MC Alberta MC British Columbia
The overall mission of the partnership is the vision healing and hope statement:
God calls us to be followers of Jesus Christ and,
by the power of the Holy Spirit to grow
as communities of grace, joy and peace
so that God's healing and hope
flow through us to the world.
Mennonite World Conference
As part of MC Canada, we are a full member of Mennonite World Conference. This community of Anabaptist related churches represents the majority of the
global family of Christian churches rooted in the 16th century Radical Reformation in Europe, particularly in the Anabaptist movement.
Confession of Faith
Statements of what Mennonites believe have been among us from earliest beginnings. A group of Anabaptists, forerunners of Mennonites, wrote the Schleitheim Articles in 1527. Since then, Mennonite groups have produced numerous statements of faith. This Confession of Faith in a Mennonite Perspective takes its place in this rich confessional history. The historic creeds of the early Christian church, which were assumed as foundational for Mennonite confessions from the beginning, are basic to this confession as well.
The Confession of Faith in a Mennonite Perspective serves as a guide for faith and life of MC Canada and MC USA.
Mennonites have been around for almost 500 years. Early leaders rejected the state church’s control over peoples’ lives. Mennonite ideas and insistence on separation between church and state are equally important today, when some governments in the global community attempt to suppress the rights of individuals and non-conformist communities.