Congregational Resources

The latest from MCA and MC Canada

Pandemic and Anti-Racism

Worship Resources

Pastoral and Spiritual 

A collection of resources from Anabaptist individuals and congregations. 


A list of resources  to help you navigate this difficult time. Personal, Bible Study, Worship Service resources.

OnLine Worship Services

Worship services produced by congregations from each regional church

Online Service

Commonword Bookstore and Resource Centre

The Canadian Resource Hub: Buy, borrow, download Anabaptist resources and related materials.

Library: loan service free to any member of Mennonite Church Canada and its Regional Churches. Loan resources ship free (both ways) anywhere in Canada.

Download: Mennonite Church Canada and Regional Church resources such as, Worship calendar and resources, videos, study guides, drama scripts, and more.


The Canadian store for Anabaptist Curriculum and Periodicals

Put simply: 
(1) MennoMedia is Mennonite Church Canada’s publisher and CommonWord is our retailer and resource centre.
(2) MennoMedia produces Anabaptist resources and CommonWord disseminates many of them to individuals and congregations within Canada. 
This is a close partnership between publisher and retailer and is in place to serve our common constituency after significant structural transitions.

Read Article

Guiding Ministerial Leadership in Mennonite Church Canada (GMLC)

authored by Mennonite Church Canada Joint Council