April 27thSpring Work Day
I often get asked what I do the rest of the year. It’s a tough question to answer, because it changes every day and week to week, but I find the project of preparing for the summer season is a big one and I never seem to run out of things to do!
One of my favourite truisms is “Many hands make light work.” Part of what makes this such an exciting time of year is having people join us to lighten the work. Our Leadership Staff team starts here in a few weeks and I can’t wait. It is an exciting day when the staff begin to arrive and settle in! Summer somehow becomes so much more tangible when it isn’t just Jeff and I plugging away.
On Saturday April 30, we invite you to bring your work gloves and help us lighten the load. This Saturday we host our annual Spring Workday. I always look forward to Workday and the chance we have to spend time together here at Valaqua. It is a joyful thing to work together and share a meal. Cleaning up brush, splitting wood, and cleaning buildings are all tasks made lighter by the joining of many hands and we would love to have yours here!
Thank you to everyone who has encouraged us as we work towards summer. Your support and prayers mean the world to us!