July 19thRearranging Spaces
In my household recently, we rearranged a few rooms to better accommodate for their current uses. When making changes, we found that having a clear idea of the purpose of the room is important. Otherwise, distractions can get in the way of achieving the desired end result. For example, items that are sentimental but not purposeful can take up space needed for something else.
I had to reconcile with letting go of a childhood dresser that was in the dining room blocking the flow of movement around the table. The dresser had tablecloths in it, some of which had not been used in twenty years and some I had never used. The tablecloths could be pared down and the remaining ones stored in a drawer elsewhere. In the end, it is good to have more space around the table.
As my family has been focusing on envisioning and creating household spaces that fit better with our current priorities, I have been reflecting on the connection to creating spaces for the purpose of growing God's kingdom. Having a clear idea of the purpose of God's kingdom and knowing what to let go of and what to allow into the space is important. As we keep changing and moving things in our lives, we need to have something in mind. Envisioning the new creation God desires for the world provides direction for what is needed in the present.
In holding a Biblical vision of where history is headed, we believe that we are living into the creation of a world where reconciliation through the promotion of mercy and justice prevails. What we hold onto and what we let go of can then be guided by the principle of God's healing love.
In creating space for God's love in our lives, it is important to hold in mind that God exists in relationship. Since God's kingdom is peopled by many, it is helpful to assess whether the beliefs we hold foster good relationships with a variety of people. If a belief is hampering our ability to see good in others, there is reason to consider letting it go. Sometimes a belief developed over the years may prove to be not needed or may even be in the way. For instance, ideas that restrict God's love do not belong in a space that is ultimately open to others. Barriers between us and others get in the way of the movement of the Spirit. Mercy and compassion fit better in the choices we make for how to view and treat others.
Since God is a relational God, it is also important to keep in mind that what we have is not for us alone. When I was young and our family car was no longer functional, my Dad purchased a station wagon for our next vehicle (for those unfamiliar with station wagons, they were the choice of vehicle with space beyond that of a regular car before mini vans came along). Investing in a vehicle that had extra seating was not just meant for the needs of our family of five: Dad's intent was also that the school of which he was principal, a church school operating on a limited budget, could use the station wagon to take sports teams to and from games at other schools. Our investments and pursuits are meant to be shared. In our life choices, generating opportunities for the sharing of our time, energy, talents, and resources fits the generous nature of God's love.
Translating God's mandate of love into the choices we make can help in creating space for purpose and meaning to flourish in and through our lives.