February 7thRing that Bell! Calling all youth to... Snowcamp!!
The sun is peeking through my office window this afternoon. I get about 10 minutes of direct sunlight this time of year, but it is a little brighter every day as the days stretch themselves towards warmth and light and eventually summer. Summer is still a distant light on the horizon, though experience tells me it will rush up to meet us at a remarkable rate. When it does, we will be so excited to welcome you all, but for now? For now, I will be content with a few minutes of sun in my face through my quiet office window as I sit and think about summer.
In between we get excited about other things… like Snowcamp! Mennonite Church Alberta’s annual Snowcamp is coming up on February 23-25 and we can’t wait to see you here under the tall, tall trees. Youth in grades 7-12 are invited to join us for a weekend of fellowship. We will play outside, eat good food, and learn and grow together.
We are excited to welcome youth from Saskatchewan to our event this year! The Saskatchewan Mennonite Youth Organization will be bringing a few youth out and we are excited to join them at their winter event next winter. Snowcamp has been a place where province wide Mennonite relationships get started, and this year we’ll make it inter-provincial!
So, while it’s quiet today, I am looking forward to the chaos and joyful noise of Snowcamp. The flurry of games, singing, and time together always leaves me tired and rejuvenated in the way that only camp does. We hope you will join us!