May 8thMCA at the Global Youth Summit 2025
Liam Kachkar of First Mennonite Edmonton, has been selected as the MCA representative on the MC Canada Team to the 2025 Global Youth Summit of Mennonite World Conference (GYS).
“To be an Anabaptist for me means to be connected to a global church that is seeking to continue Christ’s work.” Liam said. “Sometimes I forget that I’m not just a church attendee in Alberta but instead part of a larger story.”
The GYS is an opportunity for young people ages 18-30 from MWC churches around the world to come together, join in discussions, build connections, pray together, worship and have fun. The 2025 GYS will happen in Germany from May 30 to June 1, in conjunction with celebrations of the 500th anniversary of Anabaptism.
MCA received a number of strong applications, which made for a difficult selection process. Two members of MCA’s executive met to identify the top options. The finalists were then brought to the Executive Ministers Group of MC Canada, who decided together on the applicant that would be selected to represent their Region on the 5-member GYS team.
For Liam this is marks the next step in a long history of involvement in the broader Mennonite Church. This includes attending Canadian Mennonite University, being part of planning for the 2019 MC Canada Gathering in Abbotsford, and assisting the Young Leaders Experience at the 2022 Gathering in Edmonton. Liam currently is a member of MCA’s Camp Valaqua committee.
Liam’s selection also fulfills a dream dating back to the 2015 MWC Assembly in Pennsylvania. He notes that he met a young adult GYS attendee, and throughout the Assembly kept hearing comments about how rich, meaningful and inspiring that space was for many young adults. He thought to himself, “One day, I see myself being at that Global Youth Summit”.
An important aspect of Liam’s role will be connecting with MCA congregations both before the GYS and in sharing about it afterward. Liam said, “Our Anabaptist connection is so much more than our local church. It’s the collective work of all of our congregations drawing the world closer to Jesus.” There is also interest in connecting with the other young adults who showed interest in the GYS. “It would be great if we could draw those who expressed interest in the Summit into the conversation,” said Tim Wiebe-Neufeld, Executive Minister for MCA.
MC Canada has provided $1000 toward the costs of Liam’s attendance at the GYS. MCA is committed to raising additional funding toward Liam’s involvement. To donate please visit Support our Youth on the MCA website.