Congregational Leadership Committee

Congregational Leadership Committee

Be sure you know the condition of your flocks,

give careful attention to your herds; 

for riches do not last forever, 

nor a crown for all generations.

Proverbs 27:23-24


The imagery of flocks and herds is often used in scripture to symbolise one's possessions and wealth. The practical advice being offered in the above wisdom saying is to be attentive to the state of one’s resources, as neglect can lead to loss. Ultimately, a neglected, unhealthy flock weakens and threatens the health, sustainability, and longevity of the entire clan.  

CLC understands that the wealth of MCA resides in its people. Responsible management and careful stewardship of our flocks and their shepherds ensure the long-term sustainability and well-being of our regional church. It is CLC’s responsibility to know the condition of MCA’s flocks and to give special attention to their shepherds. 

In its primary purpose of equipping congregational leaders for their various tasks and assisting and supporting the Executive Minister, the members of CLC serve in the following ways: 

  1. CLC assists member congregations with plans or problems in which MCA involvement is considered beneficial. When walking alongside congregations facing difficult decisions or issues, CLC respects confidentiality. CLC processes all issues that surface with the Executive Minister in connecting with and supporting the congregations. CLC is committed to responding prayerfully for wisdom and discernment in each case and to treat each situation with compassion and care. 
  2. CLC assists congregations and pastors with the process of pastoral call, ordination, evaluation, transfer, termination, credentialing, and de-credentialing. 
  3. CLC plans and promotes a number of events to support, train, and connect MCA pastors and congregational lay leaders. The Pastors Council, Pastor’s Week, and Faith Studies are ongoing events that serve this mandate. 
  4. CLC reviews applications of congregations wishing to become MCA members or wishing to discontinue their membership in MCA.

CLC helps to fulfil the mission and vision of Mennonite Church Alberta. Finding its place within the community of Anabaptist-Mennonite congregations in Alberta, CLC is dedicated to promoting the spiritual wellbeing and unity of the Spirit among member congregations, providing mutual assistance in the work of God’s Kingdom, and encouraging a Christian faith from an Anabaptist perspective. Together, we seek to embody Jesus Christ in the world through our growth as communities of grace, joy, and peace. 

How to support Congregational Leadership Committee

A meaningful way to support the ministry of CLC is to pray for your pastors and church leaders and to let them know that you are praying for them. Write them an encouraging note, or call them to express your appreciation. Please remember to pray for and encourage MCA staff and leaders as well. An encouraging word can go a long way to strengthen and lift the spirits of those who are called to offer gifts of leadership among us. 
