April 8thWhy do we do what we do?
A Menno Minute
Why do we do what we do?
What was the average age of people at the last church event you went to? When my husband and I attend church events we have sometimes been the only people in our age demographic. We are in our late 30s and we have been that couple for at least a decade. So why do we continue to serve and go to church when so many our age don’t? I’ll admit – I’ve served on committees because no one else would and I stepped up. I’ve taken on roles that I don’t feel gifted in so that a program can continue. So why do we do what we do? I believe that our experience working at Camp Valaqua is to blame.
It taught us at a young age that we can do anything; it taught us that there will be times when everything that can go wrong will go wrong, but good will come from it; it taught us that there will be times when the river rises and we can sink or we can grip hands and get to the shore; it taught us that others face much more challenging struggles and we are capable of helping them; it taught us that taking time in nature is healing; it taught us that mopping a big floor takes many trips to refill the bucket, and figure eights with a mop get into all the corners; we were taught to wash the toilets feet.
We both have held leadership roles in our churches and conference because we want to remain connected to that place. We want to help shape where Camp Valaqua and our church go, so that when our children are older they can work at camp, learn those lessons and be active in their church too.