submitted by Pamela Giesbrecht
submitted by Brenda Tiesse-Wiens
photo captured from Holyrood's online service on May 17. Pictured is Joanne DeJong. John's dove candle sits on display.
The dove candle joins Edmonton First Mennonite for Easter Service. Submitted by Tim Wiebe-Neufeld
The dove candle appears in Trinity Mennonite Church's online service, displayed behind Pastor William Loewen. Submitted by Tim Wiebe-Neufeld
A dove candle was displayed during our Vision 20/20 meetings March of 2019 at Bergthal Mennonite Church in Didsbury.
"Bought this one at the 2019 MCC Relief Sale. Uncle John is an amazing artist. We love these bookends! I'm always interested to see how many different churches and homes have his creations in them," submitted by Donita Wiebe-Neufeld, niece
Gardening - submitted by Laura Wiebe