Camp Valaqua Committee
(Awaiting a 2024 update)
Camp Valaqua is dedicated to proclaiming the Good News that God is the Creator, we are God’s people, and the earth is placed in our hands as a gift and a trust. We give campers the opportunity to develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, to be with others in a Christian community, to learn how to care for God’s creation, and to have a lot of fun. – “Valaqua’s Purpose” as stated in our visioning documents.
What does this mean? It means we strive to provide a place for people to grow in relationship with God, each other, and themselves. We strive to form positive relationships with everyone who walks with us through the trees. We strive to empower not only campers but new leaders, guiding and teaching them with grace about servant leadership.
Camp is fun! It’s a place of acceptance, where everyone is accepted and loved for who they are, silliness and all. It’s a safe place to figure out who you are. It’s a safe place to question, grow in, and experience faith. It’s a place of community, excitement, and yet also rest and restoration. Everyone who comes to camp can be touched and affected in some way. For me, it’s the serenity in nature, under the trees and by the river, that I’ve felt most alive and at peace. It’s where I’ve found my community and a sense of belonging. I’m drawn to camp. It’s at camp that I’ve grown into the person I am, and I just can’t stop going back .-Dayna Goerzen, Program Director
Like so many other organisations, camp is in a place of uncomfortable limbo right now. I’ve been asked a lot lately “How can we help?” We need your prayers, we need your financial support, and when the time comes (and it will come!) we’ll need you to help us fill our programs with kids and volunteer as chaplains and in the kitchen. We will need you to stand shoulder to shoulder with an incredible group of young leaders so we can all Discover God in Creation together!
Submitted by Jon Olfert, Camp Director