Mission & Service Committee

Mission & Service Committee

(Awaiting a 2024 update)

The Mission & Service Committee explores areas of need and concern in Alberta relating to outreach, promotes the Christian peace witness, connects with International Witness workers and ministries, considers possible church planting opportunities, and oversees work of North Edmonton Ministry.

Currently, the committee, in conjunction with the South Sudanese Mennonite Church, is working to fulfil a request by South Sudanese in Gambela Ethiopia and in South Sudan. Riek Tut, a member of Edmonton South Sudanese and the Missions & Service committee, we to the region last November for several months.

Drought, malnutrition, civil war, economic issues, violence, and then wide-spread flooding in Fall, 2019 have ravaged the young country of South Sudan. A civil war began soon after independence in July, 2011 causing massive migration to neighbouring countries. Because of the work of MCC in South Sudan, many congregations there identify with the Mennonite Church. Those in Edmonton, who came in the early 2000's following a previous civil war in Sudan, formed the  Edmonton South Sudanese Mennonite Church (ESSMC), now a member of MCA.

Naturally, this community is very concerned for families and friends they left behind, most still in refugee camps. Werner and Joanne De Jong, during their teaching furlough at the Meserete Kristos College in Addis Ababa in 2019, visited with some leaders of these Mennonite Congregations in Gambela, Ethiopia and in South Sudan. These congregations echoed the call to Paul in Acts 16:9, “Come over and help us!” Their request was for an Anabaptist training proposal focusing on

  1. What is a Mennonite?
  2. Discipleship
  3. Leadership training

The proposal would involve a 2-person team: a pastor or teacher from MCA to teach over a ten-day period accompanied by a member of the ESSMC for translation and cultural navigation. This was to take place now in May 2020, however, due to COVID-19, this mission has been postponed indefinitely.
Jake Froese is starting work with a group of South Sudanese in Calgary. That story will have to wait for another time.
As well, funding is always a need. Members of MCA, will you “come over” on side and help us?
This proposal would fulfil one of our committee’s obligation’s “to partner with/or facilitate partnerships amongst interested member congregations in missional activity within the province or beyond.”
Mission & Service Committee: Vince Friesen, Chair; Jake Froese; Beth Moyer: William Tut