June 10thNominating Committee
Updated 2024
The MCA Nominating Committee consists of two elected members along with the MCA Secretary. The Nominating Committee’s job is to find nominees for MCA positions that need to be filled. But this simple description does not nearly define what your MCA Nominating Committee does.
Yes, when we contact people to ask them to consider a position, we are asking you to do something. But there is so much more to what we do. First, before we even begin to contact people, we try to discern the gifts and abilities needed in any given position; then we look at the representation of those already serving. We take into consideration which congregation people are from, and which part of the province, in order to try and maintain equal distribution from within all parts of MCA. Once we have done this, we then begin to discuss possible nominees. We don’t rely only on our own ideas, but also solicit and gladly welcome suggestions from anyone who knows of someone who might be a good candidate. We do have to check to ensure that anyone we ask has the support of their congregation or at least two individuals, but once those parameters are in place, we begin to make connections with people.
Making connections is the special gift that we on the Nominating Committee appreciate and enjoy. There are a variety of ways we try to connect with people, by shoulder tapping, phoning, emailing and approaching face to face. Each method provides the opportunity to hear from people, to listen to some of what fills their lives and time, and to learn what they are passionate about. These conversations don’t always end up in finding a nominee, but just connecting is of great value all on its own.
One thing that makes our job harder is that often when we leave messages or send emails, we don’t receive a response. This means that we wait even longer, hoping for a response, and then end up not being able to move ahead with a request to someone else as promptly as we might like. So, when you get a call from someone on the Nominating Committee, please get back to us - even if you need to say no, especially if you need to say no, as hearing from you helps us to move along!
(original text written by Ruth Friesen)