Reporting Misconduct

Sexual Misconduct

Mennonite Church Alberta takes sexual misconduct very seriously and is committed to supporting members and congregations in creating and maintaining safe spaces for all. To do so, our churches have Safe Spaces policies to outline expectations and minimize risks.

Sexual misconduct by church leaders is a topic most people want to avoid. But, unfortunately, the church is not immune and abuse does occur with devastating effects. Victims deserve to be heard because the harm must be acknowledged, and if ongoing, stopped. Misconduct is a topic we need to talk about.

MCA believes that a church leader, regardless of credentials or position, should never enter into sexualized behaviour with a person for whom the leader is responsible or with whom they interact as a part of their professional or volunteer roles.

Sexualized behaviour can include inappropriate discussion of sexual matters, sexualized touching, actions or words that communicate sexual interest or add an overt sexual dimension to a relationship, and any breach of sexual ethical standards that govern church leaders.

The church leader is always responsible to prevent such behaviour.

If you have experienced sexual misconduct, we extend an invitation that we hope will help you move beyond the pain to a place of restoration and healing. If you are uncertain how to interpret what you experienced, we will find a professional you feel safe with to help you understand if your experience involved sexual misconduct.

If you have been a victim of sexual misconduct by a church leader, your story deserves to be heard and you will be treated with dignity, respect, and without judgment. We want to hear about your experiences in a way that will feel safe, respectful, and supportive for you. Our responsibility is to hear your concerns and to ensure that abuse stops and is investigated thoroughly, respecting everyone concerned.

A person who believes that an MCA minister has engaged in ministerial sexual misconduct or other unethical behaviour may inform either our Executive Minister or our Moderator.

If you report misconduct, MCA will offer a contact person acceptable to you to assist you in preparing a complaint and, if you so desire, in selecting an individual to provide personal support to you.


Mennonite Church Alberta

Executive Minister Tim Wiebe-Neufeld


Phone: 780-994-1021


Moderator Keith Retzlaff



Additional Resources