Bethel International (Oromo) Church, Edmonton
Bethel International Church invites us to pray for them
- We are in need of different worship space. We currently gather at 10014 81 Ave NW which is on the south side of Edmonton. We are looking for space in the middle of the city.
- Many Ethiopian people are scattered in neighbouring countries — Kenya, Egypt, Uganda and Sudan — because of war in Ethiopia. Pray for our people, for God's providence and sponsors to get them to safe places like Canada, USA, Australia.
- Pray for peace for Ethiopia.
- For my (Pastor Mezgebu) ministry in Ethiopia, Egypt and Dubai. I need financial support for travel. May God prepare the way.
Two members of Bethel International share what is meaningful to them about their congregation.
Amanuel Karma
Amanuel is the assistant pastor at Bethel International, a congregation with a weekly attendance of 40-50 people. Amanuel is relatively new to Canada having arrived from Ethiopia less than a year ago. He sees the strength of their ministry as teaching the children and meeting the needs of immigrants. He is passionate about his work and stated that he feels called to ministry in this time and place saying "I give my life until I depart from the earth to this ministry." "This is a divine calling." He is committed to the Word of God and the People of God.
Boka Terfasa
Boka sees the strength of their congregation in the teaching and preaching that is centred on Christ. He noted the unity and the love they have for each others. He loves "the way we worship the Lord." He declared Bethel a good place to be. "I love it!" He is pleased that Bethel decided to be with the Mennonite church as our Mennonite teachings are central to Christ. He continues to pray (and asks us to pray with him) for peace in Ethiopia. He noted that as a result of war in his home country, his family has been scattered, some still in Ethiopia and others in other countries. Boka has been in Canada for 12 years.
A short video from Bethel International
Photos from Bethel International
Amanuel, Mezgebu, and Tim
Pastor Mezgebu and family -- taken at Taste of MCA

From 2022
Get to know them by visiting Pastor Mezgebu Tucho's Facebook page, reading (or re-reading) their history