After E3
The 2023 Annual Delegate Sessions marked the conclusion of the MCA E3 Action Plan, “Encountering, Embracing, Embodying Christ in life, in community, in the world”.
While the formal plan has run its course, the journey continues. In E3 we as the MCA faith family have a milepost as we journey together in Christ into the future God has in mind for us. What do we take forward with us as we continue to strive to encounter, embrace, and embody Christ in all that we do?
The resources below are ways to reflect on E3 and mark this milestone on our journey together:
- The E3 Reference Team encourages congregations to make this time of transition a focus for a worship services. A sample worship service is found here.
- Distribute the E3 “Into the future” brochure to your congregation, if you have not already done so.
- Use the E3 Milepost Litany as part of a worship prayer time focused on the E3 transition.
- Provide a time of sharing about the E3 experience. Here are some personal reflections on the impact of E3 on people from MCA: Reflecting on E3.
- Keep the E3 poster up in your congregation as a reminder of our E3 journey.
- Reflect on the resources from the E3 Action Plan and the visioning we did beforehand with Betty Pries.
The E3 Reference Team thanks you for reflecting with us on what it means to “Encounter, Embrace, and Embody Christ in life, in community, in the world!”
--Deb Baergen, First Mennonite Edmonton
--Laura Wiebe, Trinity Mennonite
--Ruth Bergen Braun, Foothills Mennonite and MCA Communication Coordinator
--Tim Wiebe-Neufeld, First Mennonite Edmonton and Executive Minister.
A catalogue of After E3 Resources
E3: A catalogue of resources from MCA's Action Plan three-year action plan

The E3 Reference Group is committed to creating resources for congregations for each year of the E3 Action Plan
Year Three Resources

The E3 Reference Group is committed to creating resources for congregations for each year of the E3 Action Plan
Year Two Resources

The E3 Reference Group is committed to creating resources for congregations for each year of the E3 Action Plan
Year One Resources
How are you encountering God? Share a story to encourage others.
Submissions will be shared in The MCA Communiqué and here on the E3 page.
“Each of us needs to know, deep down to our bones, that we are beloved of Christ.” Betty Pries
E3 History

After a year-long process of discernment, it's time to incarnate the vision. Vision 20/20 has led us to a three-year plan (2020-2022) as Tim described in his article, Christ's Body, Living Stones: A Vision 20/20 Reflection.
Year One - 2020
Christ in Life
- How do we nurture our relationship with God?
- How do we reclaim prayer & spiritual disciplines?
- How do we remember that we are deeply beloved?
- How are we formed so we are able to give ourselves in the world?
Year Two - 2021
Christ in Community
- How do we practice deep community, hospitality and welcome in our congregations?
- How do we allow ourselves to heal from old narratives (pas conflicts, feeling small) so that we can celebrate God's activity among us?
- How is the character of our community formed so that we reveal the face of Christ to the world?
Year Three - 2022
Christ in the World
- How are we being invited to pour ourselves out as the Body of Christ for the world, bringing healing and hope to a world in need?
- To what is God calling us with respect to our engagement with the world?